Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I smell like Paris Hilton

We just got a package from the CEO who distributes Paris Hilton's fragrances. And for all the sea-water and bacteria screwing with my olfactory system, I don't think it smells half bad. The women's scent on my left wrist is starting to smell like cotton candy -- which is starting to make me crave funnel cakes. I actually like the men's fragrance on my right wrist better.


6ftnperfect said...

There are so many ways to go with the title of this post, but I will behave.

gracefullee said...

Oh, come on, Clayfin, you know you want to.

reverb said...

...I hope that you are more interesting, nice and beauty than Paris Hilton, that for me is an ugly beeech

gracefullee said...

Reverb, I surf. I think that already qualifies as more interesting than Ms. Hilton! :)

Now, if only someone would pay ME a fee to make appearances at clubs...